Studio visit with David Wallage
Reasoned Explorations No. 5, 2012-3. Acrylic on Linen on Board, 75cm x 75cm.
David Wallage is dedicated to the exploration of the grid and non-objective painting. There are up to 80 layers (and counting) in each work that takes months if not years to complete. In the process several layers are laid and then at intervals are sanded back to a smooth surface and the layering starts again. Quite often he has a plan for the work such as a preliminary drawing. The result is looking into a blurry glass fine surface with real depth. It’s hard to locate the individual makes rather they fuse and hum in unity.
David Wallage in his studio |
David Wallage in his inner Melbourne studio. Wallage is represented by Block Projects in Melbourne.
David Wallage studio |