Niagara Galleries
245 Punt Road
Are You Lonesome Tonight? 2016, mixed media, 137 x 305 cm polyptych. |
Untitled, c. 1989-92, acrylic, gesso and mixed media on cotton duck, 71 x 61 cm |
For the next 300 years, 2017, mixed media, 146 x 183 cm. |
Moody Blues 8, 2019, mixed media, 29 x 25.5 cm. |
'Jenifer Joseph is motivated by an overwhelming need to make art and the experience of doing so is as important as the self-expression the finished work allows. For her it is a distinctly personal undertaking and one that doesn't require validation form external sources, but rather the knowledge that it worked and the satisfaction and creative liberation that comes with it. Joseph is not driven to exhibit her art publicly, but on the occasions she does, we are always presented with a body of work that is both beautiful and absolutely authentic.' Excerpt Kirsty Grant, 'The Art of Jennifer Joseph', catalogue essay, Jennifer Joseph: for the next 300 years.