Brian Blanchflower

The Substance of Colour
Turner Galleries
To July 6
Blue Octagon, 2009, acrylic on linen on wood 90 x 90 x 5 cm.

Installation photo Four Black Boxes 2005, acrylic, pumice, silica, jarrah charcoal on linen, 33.5 x 154 x 7.5 cm.

Brighton Meditations 5, 2016-18, acrylic on cotton canvas, 81 x 81 x 5 cm

‘Brian Blanchflower is one of Australia's most important living artists. In The Substance of Colour he presents several groups of works completed since 2005, most of which have not been exhibited before; some not exhibited in Perth before; and some which have only appeared in survey shows here. The artworks reveal an ongoing interest in the octagon form as a vehicle for colour, the condensing of paint/matter into horizontal blocks of colour, and the concentrated focal points of colour as a means of activating monochrome surface.’ Excerpt Turner galleries website.

Images from Turner Galleries and Ted Snell on Instagram.