NGV Triennial

NGV Triennial of contemporary art and design practice.

Pae White, USA,‘Spearmint to Peppermint’ 2013, tapestry (detail) 

Edson Chagas, Angola ‘Tippa Passe’ 2014 (detail) 

Sissel Tolaas, Norway, ‘Smell Scape’ 2017, detail of a series
(she is a chemist and has infused the work with artificial smells)

Oki Sato, Canada, emigrated to Japan, ‘Manga Chairs’ 1-50, 2015, detail, one chair.

Joris Laarman, Netherlands, Chair, 2014.

The triennial was lot of colour, mirrors, dark rooms and regional political issues. A few selected works which rather referenced and pushed the boundaries of practice.